Last month was a busy month for 12th grader Michelle Cho. She studied for AP finals, prepped her vocals for a Mariah Carey Christmas concert tune, submitted college applications to prestigious universities, and somehow, in-between, she managed to squeeze in a victory at a world renowned math competition.

WMTC is a 3 day team based math contest hosting 500 international students hailing from 20+ countries. This year's World Mathematics Team Championship (WMTC) was hosted by KGSEA Korean Gifted Students Evaluation Association in Incheon, Songdo on November 26th. Michelle earned an individual silver medal and her team (mostly from Australia) earned distinguished honors. Congratulations to one of PCA's shining seniors.
About the WMTC competition:
This competition differs from many other mathematics competitions such as American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) and International Math Olympiad (IMO). It is a team–oriented competition where competing students from all over the world, forming their own teams, stay in a central location for several days. They compete with each other while sharing their experience and culture with other international teams through touring famous sights of that location and other academic and cultural activities together.